Page Editor toolbar – Page Blocks functions

The following steps take you through the handy tools kept under the Page Blocks title on the Page Editor toolbar.

1. Accessing the Page Blocks functions on the Page Editor toolbar The toolbar is located at the top of the Page Editor. You can find the Page Blocks section beneath its title on the right-hand side. 2. Adding a Page Block to your page To choose a Page Block for your layout, click on the Add button to open the Page Blocks drop down menu. This menu is split into six sections and you can view each one by pressing the + button on the left-hand side, or hide it with the - button. 3. Using the + (Repeat Add Block) button The + (Repeat Add Block) button is located next to the Add button under the Page Blocks title. Clicking this will add a repeat of the last block that was added to your page. 4. Using the Del (Delete) and Options buttons The Del (Delete) and Options buttons remain greyed out until a block on your page has been highlighted. Selecting Del will remove the block that’s been selected. Clicking Options is another way of opening the Options pop-up without having to right-click on the item. Extra Tip In the right-hand corner of the Select Content Block is the Lock checkbox. Ticking this will allow you to add any number of items without the Page Blocks menu closing.