How to add On Page Navigation in the Page Editor

On Page Navigation is a small menu on a webpage that allows the user to navigate to other sections of the site. The On Page Navigation block in the Page Editor allows your visitors to efficiently travel through the website content.

1. Add from Page Blocks When you are in the Page Editor, click on the Add Page Blocks button. Under the Gadget and Inserts section, click on On Page Navigation and then Create. To fully optimise the On Page Navigation block, add it to the top of a page on the left-hand side so that it is most visible to the website visitor. 2a. Adjusting the navigation display level Once the Secondary Navigation block has been added to the Page Editor, right-click on the frame to open the Options pop-up. The default navigation display level is set to Current; this means that everything included within the current page folder in the CMS will appear. 2b. Adjusting the navigation display level Using the Level field drop-down, the block can be adjusted to show different levels of the folder structure in the CMS e.g. Top Level will display all of the core webpages like Home, About Us, Contact Us etc. Upon selecting the desired level, click Confirm Changes and Update the page to see the navigation box. 3. Adjusting the navigation display level mode Using the Mode field drop-down, the block can be adjusted to show the Current page folder or All page folders. As an example, selecting Top Level and Current page folder will show only the Top Level pages whereas selecting All page folders will show the Top Level pages as well as the sub pages within those.