How to add Headings and Body text to the Page Editor

A Heading acts as a title and there are a number of sizes to choose from in Page Blocks, the biggest being ‘H1’ and the smallest, ‘H6.’

1a. Add from Blocks When you are in the Page Editor find the Heading icons and choose the heading size you require. You'll see an H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6 icon each representing a heading. Click on or drag and drop the heading you require. 1b. Add text to your Heading Once you’ve added a Heading to the Page Editor simply enter your required text into the block. You can copy and paste into the Page Editor but it's important to convert the text into a plain text format before pasting it into the block. To do this use Text Edit on Mac or WordPad on Microsoft and select Make Plain Text from under the Format heading. 1c. Adding links to Headings To add links to your Headings, highlight the border and right-click to open the Options pop-up. If you would like the Heading to direct the user to an external website, copy the entire URL and paste it into the Link field. If you want to create an internal link, just copy and paste the end path. For example, Holograph would only need /holoviews/ if the team were linking to  Also in the Options pop-up you can change the type of Heading by choosing from 1 - 6 in the Headings field drop-down. There are also default styling overrides for "huge", "large" and "small" that can be added to H1-H3 headers when you right-click on the item to open the Options pop-up. 2. How to add a Body Text block to the Page Editor Enter your written content into the Body Text block. To keep your visitors returning, produce copy that's relevant to the page and engages your audience. 2a. Add from Blocks When you are in the Page Editor find the Body Text icon in Blocks. Click the icon to add it to a highlighted area on the Page Editor or simply drag and drop. 2b. Adding Body Text to your page Once you’ve added the Body Text block to the Page Editor, enter your required text. It's important to convert the text you wish to add into plain text before pasting it into the block. Stripping any processing from your text will prevent harm to the rest of your webpage. Similar to Headings, use Text Edit on Mac or WordPad on Microsoft and select Make Plain Text from under the Format heading. 2c. Configuring the Body Text options Right-click on the border of the text block to bring up the HTML Text Options pop-up. Here you can add System Classes to change the position and style of your text. For example, selecting "text-left" will position the text to the left-hand side of the text block. If you require bespoke styling for your text, it is possible to add additional styles unique to your typography and brand called 'Overrides'. Please contact us for more details. EXTRA TIP If using Columns for example, it is often more time-efficient to add System Classes to the Columns containing the Text Block, so that everything inside the Column is styled at once. To do this right-click on the border of the Column block rather than the Body Text. 3. How to add a Bullet Block to the Page Editor. The Bullet Block enables you to add structure to your text with features including auto-numbering, editable styling and reset numbering.  3a. Add a Bullet Block from Page Blocks In the Page Editor locate the Bullet Block icon in the Blocks menu and either click to add it to the Page Editor or drag and drop. If you know you need three bullet points, then click the Bullet Block icon three times to add multiple blocks. You could also do this by using keyboard shortcuts to 'Copy' a Bullet Block and 'Paste' it below the first one. Next, edit the Bullet Block by typing your text into the field labelled ‘Some text to be bulleted...’. EXTRA TIP Not only can you amend the size and style of text in a Bullet Block, but you can also add a variety of other items within the block, including Headings, Spacers and Flexible Pictures. 3b. Add a nested bullet to the Bullet Block Select or copy a Bullet Block, then paste it within it by selecting the Free Content bar. The Free Content bar will be highlighted and expand from one green bar to three. By default, the Bullet Block can only be nested 3 times before returning to the first bullet style, this can be changed in the styling options. 3c. Configure the Bullet Block styling options Right-click on the Bullet Block number to open the ‘Page Layout options’ pop-up. Change the style of each bullet level by amending the text in the ‘Style’ column. Bullets can be numbers, letters, Roman numerals and bullet points. You can also add more levels by clicking the ‘Add button’.