How to add an iFrame block to the Page Editor

An iFrame is a useful tool that enables you to display a webpage within a webpage. They are commonly used for adverts or dropping in content from a third party website without visitors actually leaving your site. The iFrame Insert tool in the Page Editor allows you to quickly share internal and external content with visitors in a contained section.

1. Add from Page Blocks When you are in the Page Editor, click on the Add Page Blocks button, then under the Gadget and Inserts section, click on iFrame Insert and Create. 2. Hotlink Directory This will insert an iFrame Insert block into the editor; double-click on it to bring up the Hotlink directory. 3. Linking the iFrame block to internal content In the Hotlink directory, open the desired folder and navigate through to the item you would like to add to the Page Editor. You can select an internal webpage, one of your products, a product page or news item. 4. Linking the iFrame block to an external webpage Within the Assets folder in the Hotlink directory, click into the Links folder. Here is where you will find any links to external sites that you have previously saved. Select the desired link and this will then appear in window of the iFrame block in the Page Editor. 5. Adjusting additional options Right-click on the iFrame insert block to open the Options pop-up, from here you can adjust the height and width of the iFrame and choose whether you would like to include scrolling. The width is set in percentage so that when the webpage is resized (e.g. to mobile), it responds and adjusts accordingly. The System drop-down in the Class section also enables you to add different styles to the iFrame block, for example "margin-all-10px" or "mobile-none".