How to add a Social Networking block in the Page Editor

The Social Networking block enables you to insert social media links onto a page, linking to the most commonly used sharing systems e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest etc. This encourages website users to visit a page, interact with the content and widen the website’s audience by sharing it online.

1. Add from Page Blocks When you are in the Page Editor, click on the Add Page Blocks button. Under the Gadget and Insert Blocks section, click on Social Networking and then Create. 2. Adding a standard Social Networking block This will insert a standard Social Networking block into the Page Editor, this enables the website visitor to share that particular page via Facebook, Google+, Twitter and email. 3. Adjusting the Social Networking block Right-click on the Social Networking block to open the Options op-up, from here you can adjust the type of buttons you would like to appear, the social networks you would like to enable sharing to and the size of the icons. 4a. Changing the type of Social Networking block In the Type field, use the arrows to select from the drop-down options, a Facebook comment for example, will bring up a Facebook comment box. Once you have chosen the type of Social Networking buttons you wish to appear, click Confirm Changes and update the page. 4b. Defining Social Networking buttons In the Options pop-up, select Share buttons in the Type drop-down. Use the Buttons list to select exactly which Social Networking icons you would like to allow sharing to. Hold down the Shift key to select all of the buttons or use the Command/Control key to select particular ones – click Confirm Changes and Update the page. 4c. Adjusting the size of the Social Networking buttons In the Options pop-up, select Small or Large in the Size drop-down. Click Confirm Changes and this will update your selection of buttons accordingly.