Holograph Enhances Online Prescence for Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity

With a mission to make life better for seriously ill children, Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity needed a digital overhaul. Holograph stepped in to revamp their website, making it faster, more user-friendly, and more effective at driving donations and engagement. Objective The goal was to create a user-friendly website that reflected the charity’s mission, streamlined the donation process, and facilitated easier content management to free up time for the charity’s small team. Holograph’s Role Holograph delivered: • A new website design that mirrors the charity’s brand and focuses on their impactful work • An intuitive navigation bar for easy access to vital information about the charity, its mission, and its team • Implementation of the Content Manager tool for efficient content updates and management • Integration of Beacon CRM forms to simplify the donation process to a single page • An API integration with Beacon CRM for an easy newsletter sign-up in the website footer

Partners Involved • Holograph • Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity • Beacon CRM Key Metrics: • Increased Unique Page Views: More than double compared to the old site • Reduced Exit Rate: Less than half of the previous site’s rate • Boosted Donations: Online donations increased by an average of 57% from previous years • Enhanced Audience Activity: Increased engagement with cause-focused content • Improved Traffic to Informational Pages: Significant traffic to pages like About Roald Dahl Nurses, Article pages, Nurses Conferences, About Us, and What We Do

The Solution

Learnings: • User Experience Matters: Simplifying navigation and streamlining the donation process significantly improved user engagement and reduced drop-off rates. • Efficient Content Management: The Content Manager tool allowed the charity’s team to quickly update and manage content, freeing up valuable time for other responsibilities. • Brand Alignment: A website design that accurately reflects the charity’s mission and brand can strengthen its online presence and engagement with its audience. This project underscores the importance of a well-designed, user-friendly website for non-profit organizations in enhancing engagement, driving donations, and effectively communicating their mission.

"When we began working with Holograph, we had an idea about how we’d like to transform the digital journey for our supporters and beneficiaries and about how we managed our data internally. Holograph made this a reality through high quality design and digital know how. We now have a website that is a shop window we are proud of, showcasing how people can support our charity and the impact of the work that we do. As a charity we have a small amount of resource to undertake such digital transformation projects, but Holograph made it easy with a can-do attitude, providing systems that are easy for us to use and to become self-sufficient on. A massive thank you to the Holograph Team for all of their support - our partnership is truly appreciated, and it helps us to improve the lives of seriously ill children and their families." Tom Dixon Head of Fundraising and Communications