5 Golden Rules of Client Management

It’s essential to learn from and work well with your business community - here are our golden rules for doing it right and keeping them satisfied. Happy client = happy life.

1. Communicate, communicate, communicate. If you can’t manage anything else, then always do this. Clients want to feel kept in the loop. They are paying for a product or service, and they want to know that their custom is valued and appreciated. If it’s an ongoing project, then give at least weekly updates whether by phone, email, video conference, or face to face. Make sure to always respond to communications promptly. If you can’t answer their query straight away, let them know the steps you are taking to give them the response they need. 2. Manage their expectations. The adage that the customer is always right doesn’t ring true if you have sold an unrealistic opportunity or unable to manage the client’s expectations. They don’t know your business the way you do. Let them know what is achievable in the time scale they are expecting and the requirements for full delivery of their request. Remember, it is always better to under-promise and over-deliver. 3. Be polite and professional at all times. Be kind and friendly while maintaining professionalism, whether that’s through verbal or written communications. The jury is still out officially on whether or not emojis are appropriate in client comms. If you have an established, friendly relationship with a client, then a smiley face or a thumbs up may be suitable. However, avoid any negative or crude emojis and emit them altogether if it is a business-critical communication. 4. Give them the customer service you would expect to receive yourself. If you’re not sure what excellent customer service looks like, then think of personal experiences where you have received excellent customer management. What was it about those companies that made you remember their service? Try and recreate the positive elements of your own experiences for your clients and avoid making the same mistakes the bad companies made for you. 5. Be clear – keep it simple. Keep in mind that clients don’t know your business or product the way you do. Don’t assume that something you find straightforward in your daily role is self-explanatory to a client. If you advise them on how to do something, give clear step by step instructions too. Always avoid jargon and industry abbreviations and remember, it’s only simple when you know-how. Ensure to communicate clearly and put yourself in your client's shoes to build a strong, working relationship. We're inspired by the teams we work with and enjoy learning from clients. If you want to find out more about our services get in touch today. For more news and updates from Holograph, follow us on social media.